Orsola Frapiccini

A teacher of ‘Art and Image’ and a painter (Academy of Fine Arts of Naples).

As a painter, she has taken part in many national and international exhibitions, getting recognition and success all over. Among those, the Cultural Association “Esperia” and the first prize of the “Renoir” Association should be mentioned.

In Cilento, she has exhibited at the Pro Loco of San Martino, Agropoli, Rutino, Torchiara, San Mango, and Piano Vetrale (“Pennello d’Oro” Award)

The sacredness of places

Orsola Frapiccini invites us to enter a narrative dimension through images. The world is observed by the painter, who provides us with a kaleidoscope of figurations, where painting acts as a magical sphere. Orsola knows how precious the virtues of shapes and colors are.

Backgrounds, often blue, seem to crown the imagination in which life plays its spell. The greens alongside the ocher, the plum and the explosion of small touches of color embroider a narrative within the image.

Her pictorial research stems from the knowledge of ductile materials, such as terracotta and ceramic glazes, helped by an energetic and passionate emotional charge.

Orsola Frapiccini welcomes you with simplicity and friendliness, but also with the awareness of those who wish to recover all the sacredness of places, shapes and images.

The final result is a veiled balance of charm, which is the main feature of Orsola’s art.

Milena Esposito

The Artist

“The blue colour of Lilli’s Tyrrhenian Sea has always accompanied her, and the pure shrubs, the tiny, unpretentious flowers that she portrayed as subtle and precious embroideries have become her distinctive and unmistakable trait, her artist’s imprint by which she’s represented and set apart.”

Amedea Lampugnani

Ritratto Orsola